I speak for all of us when I say that the past 5 days was the most intense training we have experienced to date in Pekiti Tirsia. Once again , the upper level of Gold's Gym was filled to capacity as Grand Tuhon Gaje delivered a furious, exhausting, and absolutely exhilarating public seminar that tested the mettle of all present. The torturous physical conditioning coupled with the down-and-dirty combative tactics made a few of us feel like we were back in the Philippines.
Then, after the public seminar, it was off to the Law Enforcement seminar hosted by the City of Dearborn. Patrol officers, SWAT officers, Tactical Paramedics, and Police Defensive Tactics instructors from across Southeast Lower Michigan turned out in force (excuse the pun) to meet and train with the incomparable star of Surviving Edged Weapons. Also in attendence were members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
Among all of the remarkable things I could (and will shortly) say about this event, one great surprise was that we had almost as many attendees from out of the country as we had from our local club.
I promise that as soon as I have all of the pictures (there were several officers in attendance who work undercover, and we need to make sure that they don't show up in the photos) I will put a full report on the www.maphilindo.com website.
Guro Davidson,
Thank you, thank you, thank you, for allowing me to be a part of what went on last weekend with Tuhon Gaje. I can't even begin to describe how overwhelmed I feel. That was simply the best seminar I have ever been to in FMA. I was also shocked that Tuhon Gaje is such a gentleman. And so approachable. He chatted with me at lunch, just some small talk, but I will always remember how friendly he was to me, a beginner (at least in Pkiti)
I may need a few days to recover but I will DEFINATELY be in class next week.
Hey Guru,
I know, I know...just a little more time please!
It was an excellent seminar and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. See you at the end of the month.
Thanks Dan! We certainly enjoyed having you. Actually, I envy you. You get to train with one of the most talented Pekiti guys I have ever seen on a regular basis. Don't ever take it for granted!
I'll see you soon, God Wiliing.
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